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4:54pm - I wasn't going to put this up until 8:00 tonight, but I had a little time so I went ahead and uploaded it. I added 21 new recs in the Harry Potter section. I hope you guys like it because it was a lot of work.


12:42am - Eek! So sorry for the lack of updates in the last...er..year. I'll try to do better. ^__^;
Anywho, Final Fantasy VIII fanfic recs are up with 13 stories, new avatars in the Misc section, and a few terms added to Lexicon. I know it doesn't seem like much but hopefully more will be coming soon. Toodles!

5:47am - Nothing much right now, just two new animated avatars.

2:20am - New animated livejournal avatars in the misc section.

2:25am - I just finished adding two games to the misc section. Now you can come and play battleship and Gravitation Concentration!

4:19am - Hmmm...been a while. Anywho, fixed some bugs, made some changes, and I added more fics to the rec section. That's about it. I'm planning to do more soon though.

10:27pm - The Misc section is up with some avatars. And I'm tired -___-

7:43pm - Fic Recs and Lexicon are up! Yah! Go me! ^___^

4:06am - Lookit at the pretty changing banner thing! Okay, it's not much, but it's something right?

11:53pm - It's alive! It's alive!